Category: Dictionary

meanings of PSU

What does PSU stand for?

PSU can stand for various entities depending on the context. Most commonly, it refers to Pennsylvania State University, a major public research university located in State College, Pennsylvania. It can also stand for other...

What does ALB stand for?

What does ALB stand for?

Top 10 Meanings of ALB: 1. Album (ALB) The term “Album” (ALB) is widely used in the music industry to refer to a collection of audio recordings issued as a single item on CD,...

What does ADI stand for?

What does ADI stand for?

1. Active Directory Infrastructure (ADI) Description: Active Directory Infrastructure (ADI) refers to the collective components and configurations comprising a Microsoft Active Directory (AD) environment. It includes domain controllers, organizational units (OUs), group policies, DNS...

What does AHV stand for?

What does AHV stand for?

1. Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV) Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV) is the Swiss old-age and survivors’ insurance system. It is a mandatory social insurance program designed to provide financial support to individuals in their retirement...

What does AHK stand for?

What does AHK stand for?

1. AutoHotkey (AHK) Definition AutoHotkey (AHK) is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to create scripts for automating repetitive tasks. Features Script Automation: AHK enables users to automate almost any...

What does ABV stand for?

What does ABV stand for?

1. Alcohol by Volume (ABV) Alcohol by Volume (ABV) is a standard measure used to express the percentage of alcohol (ethanol) present in a beverage, such as beer, wine, or spirits. ABV represents the...

What does AAA stand for?

What does AAA stand for?

1. American Automobile Association The American Automobile Association, commonly known as AAA (pronounced “Triple A”), is a federation of motor clubs throughout North America. Founded in 1902 in Chicago, Illinois, the association is a...